PSC Stainless Steel 50 to 72 Inch Linear Trench Drain Shower Kits

PSC Stainless Steel 50 to 72 Inch Linear Trench Drain Shower Kits by Pro-Source Center

$632.97 - $2037.91

PSC Stainless Steel 50 to 72 Inch Linear Trench Drain Shower Kit with Options for Pre-sloped Shower Pans

PSC Linear Drain Shower Kits
  • Super Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Drain Channel
  • Industry highest performance PSC WP surface waterproofing components
  • Easy grate height adjustment
  • Optional low-profile polystyrene pan components
  • Easiest high-performance installation

PSC Linear Drain Installation

PSC Shower Stainless Steel Linear Trench Drain Shower Kit

  • Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Linear Drain Channel Construction
  • Much heavier and sturdier than competition
  • Nearly impossible to rack, bend, damage or cause membrane debonding
  • 3 Dimensional Slope built into channel body
  • Easily integrated into polystyrene or mud-packed sloped floors
  • Pre-sloped high-density polystyrene panels with extremely low profiles (thicknesses) are available - choose from menu
  • Paired with PSC WP high-performance surface waterproofing systems
  • Easy grate height adjustment
  • Pan pieces can be easily trimmed for custom fit. Small gaps in a custom layout may be filled with Dry-pack mortar


  • Your Choice Length Stainless Steel Drain Body with Centered Bottom 2" Outlet
  • Selected Pattern or Type (standard options are brushed stainless steel) Grate Cover with Adjustable Height Feet
  • PSC WP Waterproof Flashing with Adhesive for Transitioning to WP Shower Membrane
  • Serviceable and replaceable hair trap
  • 216 Square Feet WP Membrane for pan kits 60X60 and 72x72 sizes, 270 SF for 72x96 size and 323 SF for 72x120 and 72x144 sizes
  • 66 Linear Feet 5" wide WP seaming band for pan kits in 60X60 and 72x72 sizes, 82 LF for the 72x96 size and 98 LF for 72x120 and 72x144 sizes
  • For the NO PAN option where you plan to dry-pack mortar the sloped floor, the kit includes a base 216 SF WP membrane and 66 linear feet 5" wide WP seaming band. See related component links to add additional material if needed.
  • 2 Pre-shaped WP Inside Corners for pan area all kits including no pan option
  • OPTIONAL high-density low-profile polystyrene Pre-sloped Pan Sections to provide enough components for a customized layout up to the selected size and drain configuration.

Grate Style Choices (Polished versions also available but not shown):

PSC_Linear_Channel_Inside_Sloped_View_Annotated.jpg PSC_Linear_Grate_Bottom_Feet_View_500.jpg PSC_Linear_Pans_Dims.jpg


  • The longest drain channel currently available is 72" but you are not limited to pan sizes 72" wide. You can purchase additional pan sloped panels and create for example a 120" x 120" layout.
  • Pre-sloped pan panels have a 2 ft x 2 ft footprint each and come in a Panel A thickness 0.13 inch to 0.63 inch, Panel B thickness 0.63 inch to 1 inch and Panel C thickness 1 inch to 1.37 inch.(see diagram photo)
  • For any larger shower floor layouts that have sloped floor beyond 6 feet any direction from the drain, you will receive and use additional Panel C components and shim each successive one 3/8" as needed.
  • When choosing NO PAN option when planning to dry-pack mud the sloped floor, the kit comes with a base 216 SF of WP membrane and 66 LF of WP seaming band typically suitable for up to 72x72 layouts. For larger layouts, be sure to order additional WP and band material.
  • Do not choose a channel drain length larger than your chosen pan size unless you plan to dry-pack fill in a larger size to accommodate the longer channel. For example, if the maximum size of your pan area is 60" x 60", be sure to choose a 50" or 60" channel, not a 72".
  • Many installers are installing these linear shower drain systems with a curb-less entry in mind (a primary reason for low-profile sloped pan sections.) These kits do not address curb options, so if you decide to implement traditional curb layouts. Please see the links for high-density polystyrene curb options if you want a curb and do not wish to build a curb substrate from lumber and board. Also, WP outside corners are recommended for integration of curb features in shower installations (see link.)
  • The Linear Drain Comes with a Pre-Attached "flashing" permanently bonded to your stainless steel drain flange. Do not attempt to Removal of the Flashing.
  • Waterproofing membrane will create a seal with the Drain Flashing.


Linear Drain Instalation Step 11. Mark Drain Location and Cut
Linear Drain instalation Step 22. Set Linear Drain Drain in Palce
Dry Fit Shower Pan Step 33. Dry Fit Shower Pan
install Shower Shower Pan Step 44. Install Shower Pan
Install Inside Shower Curb Step 55. Install Curb if Desired
Install Drain Waterproofing Drain Flange Step 66. Install Drain Flange
Install Inside Waterproof corner shower Step 77. Set Inside Corners
Install Waterproof shower Band Step88. Install Transition Strip
Install Wall Waterproofing shower membrane Step 99. Install Wall Waterproofing Membrane
Install Drain Waterproofing Flange Step 1010. Install Shower Floor Waterproofing Membrane
Cut Out Drain Flange Waterproof Membrane 1111. Cut Out Drain Flange
Clean Out Drain Step 1212. Clean Out Drain
Dray Fit Grate cover Step 1313. Dry Fit Grate Cover.

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