Schluter DITRA-HEAT-E-RSD Programmable Thermostat

DITRA-HEAT-E-RSD Programmable Thermostat by Schluter Systems
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DHERSD/BW Programmable Radiant Floor Thermostat for DITRA-HEAT by Schluter Systems

  • Specifically designed to manage the temperature of your Schluter-DITRA-HEAT underfloor radiant heat system
  • Can be used with either 120V or 240V wire
  • Can easily switch between heating and ambient mode, a new feature on floor heating thermostats

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DITRA-HEAT-E-RS Programmable Thermostat

Ambient and Floor Heating Modes

The Schluter-DITRA-HEAT thermostat is able to switch between two modes: ambient temperature mode and floor heating mode. Floor heating mode is intended for areas such as bathrooms, where a warm floor adds to your comfort level even if the rest of the room is already hot. Ambient mode is intended for areas like insulated patios and tiled kitchens, where the warmth of the floor can, in some cases, make the room uncomfortably hot.

Fully programmable

This thermostat is fully programmable across all seven days of the week, allowing you to match your home's heating schedule to you or your family's work week and weekend.

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