Schluter SCHIENE Tile Edge Protection Profiles

SCHIENE Tile Edge Protection Profiles by Schluter Systems

$10.03 - $68.85

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Schluter-SCHIENE Floor Tile Edge Protection Profiles

  • Used as edge protection where tile is bordered by carpet, at expansion joints, or as a decorative edging for stairs.
  • 2.5 m (8 feet) Length; Heights of 2 - 30mm (3/32 - 1-3/16 Inch) available
  • Available in Stainless Steel, Solid Brass, Aluminum, and Anodized Aluminum.

Consider an alternative product

L Channel Transition Trim Aluminum and Anodized Aluminum

  • Lower cost
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  • Can be expedited

Schluter-SCHIENE Floor or Wall Edge Protection Profiles

Application and Function

Schluter-SCHIENE is designed to provide edging for tile coverings. Typical applications include edge protection where tile is bordered by carpet, at expansion joints, or as a decorative edging for stairs.

Schluter-SCHIENE is available in stainless steel, solid brass, aluminum, and anodized aluminum. The profile features a trapezoid-perforated anchoring leg, which is secured in the mortar bond coat beneath the tile, and an 87° sloped vertical wall section that transfers point loads to the substrate and surface covering while protecting the tile edges from damage.

Schluter-SCHIENE features a 5° sloped top flange and fillet at the anchoring leg/vertical section interface to enhance edge protection by reducing stresses on the tile, and, in sizes greater than 1/4" (6 mm), features an integrated joint spacer that establishes a defined joint cavity between the tile and the profile. Schluter-SCHIENE, in stainless steel, is roll-formed and does not feature an integrated joint spacer.

Though SCHIENE is typically used in floor applications, the finishes with yellow background in the table below can be used in wall applications as well.

Available Sizes and Materials

H = Tile Thickness
(Inch - mm)
Steel 304
Steel 304 (1.4301=V2A)
Solid brass
3/32 - 2 E20 -- -- A20 AE20 -- -- -- --
1/8 - 3 E30 -- M30 A30 AE30 -- -- -- --
3/16 - 4.5 E45 -- M45 A45 AE45 -- -- -- --
1/4 - 6 E60 E60EB M60 A60 AE60 A60ACB A60AKB A60AMB A60ATB
9/32 - 7 E70 -- -- A70 AE70 -- -- -- --
5/16 - 8 E80 E80EB M80 A80 AE80 A80ACB A80AKB A80AMB A80ATB
11/32 - 9 E90 -- M90 A90 AE90 -- -- -- --
3/8 - 10 E100 E100EB M100 A100 AE100 A100ACB A100AKB A100AMB A100ATB
7/16 - 11 E110 -- M110 A110 AE110 -- -- -- --
1/2 - 12.5 E125 E125EB M125 A125 AE125 A125ACB A125AKB A125MB A125ATB
17/32 - 14 E140 -- -- A140 AE140 -- -- -- --
9/16 - 15 E150 -- M150 A150 AE150 -- -- -- --
5/8 - 16 E160 -- M160 A160 AE160 -- -- -- --
11/16 - 17.5 E175 -- M175 A175 AE175 -- -- -- --
3/4 - 20 E200 -- M200 A200 AE200 -- -- -- --
13/16 - 21 -- -- -- A210 AE210 -- -- -- --
7/8 - 22.5 E225 -- M225 A225 AE225 -- -- -- --
1 - 25 E250 -- M250 A250 AE250 -- -- -- --
1-1/16 - 27.5 -- -- -- A275 AE275 -- -- -- --
1-3/16 - 30 E300 -- M300 A300 AE300 -- -- -- --


  1. Select Schluter-SCHIENE according to tile thickness.
  2. Using a notched trowel, apply thin-set mortar to the area where the profile is to be placed.
  3. Press the perforated anchoring leg of the profile into the mortar and align.
  4. Trowel additional thin-set mortar over the perforated anchoring leg to ensure full coverage and support of the tile edges.
  5. Solidly embed the tiles so that the tiled surface is flush with the top of the profile; the profile should not be higher than the tiled surface, but rather up to approx. 1/32" (1 mm) lower.
  6. Set the tile to the integrated joint spacer, which ensures a uniform joint of 1/16 - 1/8" (1.5 - 3 mm). With the stainless steel profiles, leave a space of approximately 1/16 - 1/8" (1.5 - 3 mm).
  7. Fill the joint completely with grout or setting material.
  8. Work with materials and tools that will not scratch or damage sensitive surfaces. Setting materials and grouts must be removed immediately, especially from anodized aluminum surfaces.


Schluter-SCHIENE is available in stainless steel, solid brass, aluminum, and anodized aluminum.

In special cases, the suitability of a proposed type of material must be verified based on the anticipated chemical, mechanical, and/or other stresses.

Schluter-SCHIENE, in stainless steel, is roll-formed using 304 (1.4301 = V2A) or 316 L (1.4404 = V4A) stainless steel. Therefore, the profile's contour differs slightly from those made of extruded brass or aluminum. The profile can sustain high mechanical stresses and is especially well suited for applications requiring resistance against chemicals and acids; for example, in the food industry, breweries, dairies, commercial kitchens, public swimming pools, and hospitals. 316 L stainless steel offers even higher corrosion resistance when compared to the 304 stainless steel.

Schluter-SCHIENE, in solid brass, sustains high levels of mechanical stress; for example, as edge protection for movement joints in coverings exposed to industrial traffic. Brass is resistant to most chemicals used in tiled environments. Solid brass that is exposed to air will oxidize, resulting in a natural patina. If exposed to moisture or aggressive substances, heavy oxidation and spotting may occur.

Schluter-SCHIENE, in aluminum, must be tested to verify its suitability if chemical stresses are anticipated. Cementitious materials, in conjunction with moisture, become alkaline. Since aluminum is sensitive to alkaline substances, exposure to the alkali (depending on the concentration and duration of exposure) may result in corrosion (aluminum hydroxide formation). Therefore, it is important to remove mortar or grout residue from visible surfaces. In addition, ensure that the profile is solidly embedded in the setting material and that all cavities are filled to prevent the collection of alkaline water.

Schluter-SCHIENE, in anodized aluminum, features an anodized layer that retains a uniform appearance during normal use. The surface, however, is susceptible to scratching and wear and may be damaged by grout or setting material. Therefore, these materials must be removed immediately. Otherwise, the description regarding aluminum applies.


Schluter-SCHIENE requires no special maintenance and is resistant to mold and fungi. Clean profile using co on household cleaning agents.

Stainless steel surfaces exposed to the environment or aggressive substances should be cleaned periodically using a mild household cleaner. Regular cleaning maintains the neat appearance of stainless steel and reduces the risk of corrosion. All cleaning agents must be free of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid. Stainless steel surfaces develop a sheen when treated with a chrome-polishing agent.

Oxidation films on exposed solid brass or aluminum can be removed by using a conventional polishing agent, but will form again.

In the case of anodized aluminum, do not use abrasive cleaning agents. Damage to the anodized layer can be repaired by applying varnish.

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